Fast , Distributed Approximation Algorithms for Positive LinearProgramming with Appli ations to Flow Control
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How Fast is ‘-fast’? Performance Analysis of KDD Applications using Hardware Performance Counters on UltraSPARC-III
ABSTRACT Modern pro essors and omputer systems are designed to be eÆ ient and a hieve high performan e with appli ations that have regular memory a ess patterns. For example, dense linear algebra routines an be implemented to a hieve near peak performan e. While su h routines have traditionally formed the ore of many s ienti and engineering appli ations, ommer ial workloads like database and we...
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Real-time and Embedded Systems JAIGANESH BALASUBRAMANIAN, SUMANT TAMBE, ANIRUDDHA GOKHALE, DOUGLAS C. SCHMIDT Department of EECS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA and BALAKRISHNAN DASARATHY, SHRIRANG GADGIL Tel ordia Te hnologies, Pis ataway, NJ, USA Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems onsist of performan e-sensitive appli ations that are deployed in resour eonstrained environ...
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International Conference on Advances in the Internet , Systems
Abstra t|Speedup is one of the main performan e hara teristi s of distributed appli ations. It is de ned as the ratio of appli ation's exe ution time on a single pro essor to the exe ution time, of the same workload, on a system omposed on N pro essors. This paper analyzes, in very general terms, the speedup that an be a hieved in distributed environments and shows why some appli ations s ale v...
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We are urrently developping a suite of self-organizing lustering algorithms whi h will automati ally adapt to network dynami s in response to appli ation-spe i requirements. As a starting point, we identify groups of dynami network appli ations, or appli ation lasses, whi h will use a ommon family of lustering algorithms. Within an appli ation lass, the performan e requirements of individual ap...
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